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Community Service

Study the needs of the community and suggest ways in which the club can render services that meet the needs of the community or assists the general population.



Prepare a budget of estimated income and expenses for submission to the board of directors, as well as any recommendations it may have on financial matters of the club. 

Fund Raising

Responsible for securing the funds necessary to meet budget requirements.


Human & Spiritual Values 

Suggest ways the club can encourage the human and spiritual rather than the material values of life.  These projects also may promote non-denominational spiritual activity in the club and community.  


Fellowship with other K Family clubs and organizations

International Understanding

Promote appreciation and understanding of people around the world and serves the world community.  


Membership, Growth & Understanding

Strive to increase membership according to the standards provided by the bylaws.  Consider all proposals for membership and submit recommendations to the board of directors.  Develop an effective orientation and induction ceremony for new members and promote regular attendance by all members at club meetings.  


Public Relations  

Help to ensure that the public receives, through the media and other means, the objectives, goals, programs, and achievements of Kiwanis International and the local club.



Schedule the weekly meeting events and announce programs


Service Leadership Programs

Devise ways and means to establish and support K-Kids clubs in elementary schools, Builders Clubs in junior High or middle schools, Key Clubs in high schools, and Circle K clubs in the universities and colleges, and should encourage and promote the activities of all K-Kids, Builders Clubs, Key Clubs, and Circle K clubs sponsored by the club. 


Scholarships -  [Sophomore of the Year, Sapulpa High School Senior]  Contact here for more info.


Young Children Priority One 

Suggest methods and means for the club to render effective services to children- prenatal to age five.  

Youth Services

Find ways the club can help boys and girls adjust themselves to their environment and become adapted to the social, economic, and moral demands they may encounter.  The committee also should develop ways the club can assist in the guidance of youth and in the selection of vocations that match their needs and interests.  


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