2024 TX-OK Layperson of the Year
Pete Eagan

Left: Dr. Walter Adams, Human and Spiritual Values Chairman of the TX-OK District presents Pete Eagan the Layperson of the Year award at convention.
Egan was recognized by the Kiwanis Club of Sapulpa on May 2nd at the Annual National Day of Prayer Luncheon and submitted to the division where his nomination was chosen to go on to district level. There can be up to 39 nominees. According to Dr. Walter Adams, the Chairperson of the District’s Human & Spiritual Values Committee, “For a week, I read each nomination twice a day and
nitpicked my way down to 4 nominations...Each one had their incredible service and
In trying to separate one from the others, Dr. Adams studied the definition of Layperson and the origins of the word. He discovered the word Layperson goes back to the Greek word LAIKOS, meaning “of the people”. Adams said “Suddenly all the anxiety and pressure of who to choose as Layperson of the Year was lifted from me…now the decision was crystal clear.” Adams went on to recognize Egan for his service to his church, First Church of Sapulpa; for his service to Sapulpa Parks; for his service to the Sapulpa Historical Society and Museum, the dioramas, and Egan’s two volume history of Sapulpa – The Greatest City in the Known World; for his service to the community.
Adams said that one of the things that drew him to Egan’s nomination were the 5 letters submitted on his behalf where Egan was referred to as “Sapulpa Pete”, “the face of Sapulpa” and the most endearing compliment, “Sapulpa’s Grandfather”. Adams ended his presentation “Pete Egan is without a doubt LAIKOS – of the people.”
The Kiwanis Club of Sapulpa is pleased to have Pete Egan as a member and look
forward to continuing to serve with him for years to come.
AWARDS 2018-19
Perfect Attendance:
Larry Higgs(35)
Dick White(23)
Sandie Howard(23)
Reg Green(2)
Dennis Chaffin(7)
Legion of Honor
* 40 Years
Larry Higgs
Dr. Richard Pitts
David Main
Layperson of the Year:
Rusty Kautz
Leonard Biron Award:
Zak Dyer

The Today Club program honors clubs that achieve a minimum per-member giving level from active dues-paying members during the Kiwanis administrative year, which runs from October 1 through September 30.
Sapulpa Club Level
2017-2018: Blue